Driving in winter conditions requires extra preparations to your vehicle in order to ensure safety and comfort. Make sure to check the following items so that you can beat Old Man Winter this season.
Brakes should be equalised to prevent pulling to one side of the road. Uneven brakes can result in poor performance and skidding.
The Cooling System
Cooling system needs to be flushed out with a good chemical cleaner every few years, and make sure to top up with anti-freeze. Check all belts, and hoses for cracking or leakage. Replace if necessary.
Battery & Electrical System
Cold weather can take its toll on car batteries so have yours checked. Ensure that the connections are clean and tight and that there is no corrosion around the connectors.
Diagnostic check-ups of the engine by a qualified mechanic can be a worthwhile investment if you drive an older vehicle. Replace all faulty wiring, worn out spark plugs, etc.
Exhaust system
Check muffler and tail pipes for carbon monoxide emissions and make sure there is no leakage. This is very important in winter because the windows of the vehicle are usually closed.
Heaters, defrosters and wipers
Ensure that your vehicle's windshield, heaters, defrosters and wipers are checked and in operational condition.
Oil and filter
Contaminated oil can cause problems, so change the oil and filter before the really cold weather kicks in.
Snow tires dramatically increase traction in soft snow. Have them installed on all four wheels, because it will result in greater control of your vehicle when accelerating and braking. Check your tire pressure every second week.
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