People generally search for ways to make their car more fuel efficient, but another often overlooked way to lower the cost of owning an automobile is to lower your insurance premiums. Here are some handy tips on how you can save money on your premiums.
Shop Around
You need to get at least three different quotations in order to properly gauge whether you are getting a fair price on your premium quotation. Call agents directly, and also try to get online quotations. Use all of your assets when shopping around, for example some insurance agents offer substantial discounts to students with a good average in school.
Ask For a Higher Deductible
If you opt to raise the damage deductible on your vehicle you can save substantial money in the long run, however, make sure you have that cash on hand in the unfortunate case that you do wind up in an accident.
Reduce the Coverage
Choosing to do this means that you will get less money out of your insurance company if you do have an accident, but this is a good idea if you have an older fully paid off vehicle. Savings depend on what constitutes your current coverage.
Group Insurance Policies
Group insurance policies can offer significant discounts on car insurance. Find out if your employer can offer you such a benefit.
Safety-Equipped Car
If you drive a newer vehicle make sure that your insurance agent is aware of all of the safety options on your vehicle such as anti-lock brakes, theft-deterrent system, curtain airbags, etc.
Long-Time Customer
A number of companies reward loyal customers with discounts. If you have been with the same insurance agent for two years or more, call and find out if you qualify for such benefits.
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