Their fashionable collection is available for both men and women, and is often worn by Hollywood A-list celebrities because of the sleek designs made of high quality materials. All of the styles are form fitting and create a desirable silhouette (revealing an in depth knowledge of couture tailoring). Mackage is famous for using fine European wools and leathers, and most of their products have interesting collars and hardware. If you live in a climate with a harsh winter and want something more stylish than a traditional parka, give Mackage a try.
For more information about Mackage and some great style tips visit the Metropolitan.
I saw a girl in my class wearing a Mackage coat that was so stylish & so me, that I had to stop myself from trying to grab it! It was the second most beautiful coat that I have ever seen, sigh.
Thank you for your comment. Mackage does produce many high quality coats, and believe me when I tell you that not only are they stylish, but they are exceptionally warm also! Visit their site and register your email because from time to time they will send you vouchers that will discount the price of their products by up to 50%.
The tailoring for these coats is exquisite. I've been a fan of them for a few seasons now, and while I can't afford anything they make, it's nice to see how their designs are evolving. Very high quality.
Hi there. I have been a HUGE fan of Mackage since 2006. I picked up my first coat at Aritiza and every year have bought one coat in their collection. I've noticed though as each year that has progressed, the quality of their coats have deteriated. I'm not sure if it's because they are now being made in China, but the quality is comparative to coats that are sold in lower end stores like Urban Behaviour!! Not to be mean but if I wanted a coat from Urban Behaviour, I know what I'm paying for. However with Mackage, you are expecting the best right? The wool is paper thin without a liner(no longer cashmere blend), and the leather detailing is fake now too! Not even made of real leather!! How sad that an amazing company like Mackage has surcumbed to pleasing the masses, thus having their product quality go down the drain. Very very tragic..
It is true that the quality of the wool coats has declined. There was a time when you could walk into stores where Mackage coats were placed on the rack with other brands, and you noticed the Mackage items immediately: they dominated the rack and oozed style and quality. They were beautiful and robust. In the first five to seven years of the 21st century, Mackage had produced the best coats in the history of human civilization. But, as with many before them, once they dominated their local market, then developed a cult following outside their hometown, then began to be worn by celebrities, then began to be embraced by the New York fashion world, they slowly drifted away from what they did and did best: making the best coats in the history of human civilization. Now, of course, they want to be a "lifestyle brand" (whatever that means). They want to be like everyone else. In other words, they want to do what "designers" do: making pretty little dresses for celebrities to wear. Of course, this brings them money and fame and it's all driven by the next "season". Oh, what will they produce next season. Everyone is just WAITING, with bated breath, for the next season. Well, the current season (FW 2011) is upon us and now, when you see the Mackage coats nestled amongst DKNY and Calvin Klein on the racks, you really do have to check the labels to know which is which. And often you will be surprised. Shocked, in fact, to find that the shoddy material, sloppy construction, and throwaway details on the coat you just looked at, had a label that said "Mackage". No, you think to yourself. It cannot be. Surely not. Not Mackage. The same Mackage that had perfected the best coats in the history of human civilization. And then a sadness fills you. The sadness of witnessing the descent into mediocrity of a brand that you once admired, respected, and loved.
RIP Mackage (1999-2007).
You are now dime-a-dozen. Your star no longer shines. But of course, people will still keep buying your coats, until everyone catches on and the lights go out forever.
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