The humble flight attendant, what’s not to love? They are usually attractive, wealthy, well travelled, and generally possess a multidimensional personality causing for her to be great fun to talk to. These women have been carefully screened and selected from thousands of applicants to best promote the airline and so they should technically be a cut above the average run of the mill woman. Here are some tips that will help you get better acquainted with that attractive flight attendant servicing your flight, who will give you an upgrade far better than business class. Depending on the size of the aircraft it may be equipped with multiple galleys, but the largest in all airplanes is always located in the very back, at the tail section. When booking your seat, make sure that you get one at this position on the aircraft so that you can be where the action is (the flight crew will always hang out in the rear galley when not serving the passengers) in addition to a seat in the rear of the aircraft, you will want an aisle seat, as this makes it easier to converse. If you weren’t able to book a rear aisle seat don’t panic, just casually get up after the flight has reached cruising altitude and make your way to the rear of the aircraft and seat yourself in one of the vacant seats.
Find out what is the itinerary of the crew after servicing your current flight, as this is the ideal ice breaker. Is the crew stopping over for a few days at the destination?---because in this case she will be looking for something to do while there... The ideal case scenario is when the flight is destined for your hometown because in this case you are the perfect person to show her a good time in your city. You can gather all the intel by asking any of the other flight attendants in a non-imposing manner. When picking the time to chat up the flight attendant make sure to do so when she isn’t busy serving the other passengers with food and drinks, and be extremely casual and nonchalant. Remember you are making a new friend, not trolling for sex. It is not all that difficult, just be yourself, be smooth, and have something interesting to talk about!
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Hi there,
I just wanted to express a personal opinion to your...umm..blog. I find it quite demeaning and disrepectful towards women. I also find that your tone is very "full of yourself"....women are not silent characters waiting for you to make the right moves....they have personalities and (believe it or not) brains....and would appreciate it if you could teach your fellow males something about respect instead of teaching them how to swoop a girl off her feet.
Hello Anonymous. Thank you for visiting and commenting on this article. Women are by no means silent characters, on the contrary they are just as intelligent and entertaining as men, if not more so. If you read the introduction carefully you will have noticed that I made mention of how the women chosen for this particular profession are selected based on their particular merits which make them leaders, admired not only for their beauty but their worldly experience as well. I also noted that this article is geared towards helping males connect with a woman on a deeper level...and not to troll for sex. Once again I thank you for sharing your opinion, and encourage you to visit frequently and leave more thought provoking comments.
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